SELECT * FROM tbl_Coastal, tbl_Coast_Volume WHERE tbl_Coastal.VolumeID = #form.volumeID# AND tbl_Coast_Volume.VolumeID = tbl_Coastal.VolumeID SELECT max(VolumeID) as max FROM tbl_Coast_Volume SELECT * FROM tbl_Coastal, tbl_Coast_Volume WHERE tbl_Coastal.VolumeID = #getMax.max# AND tbl_Coast_Volume.VolumeID = tbl_Coastal.VolumeID SELECT max(VolumeID) as max FROM tbl_Coast_Volume SELECT * FROM tbl_Coastal, tbl_Coast_Volume WHERE tbl_Coastal.VolumeID = #getMax.max# AND tbl_Coast_Volume.VolumeID = tbl_Coastal.VolumeID Coastal Correspondent -
SELECT * FROM tbl_Coast_Volume ORDER BY volNumber desc

Volume #volNumber# - #dateformat(volDate, "MMMM d, yyyy")#







- #coaWetBigIdea1#
- #coaWetBigIdea2#
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1. #ParagraphFormat(Replace(Trim(coaMarshWrite1), chr(10), "
", "all"))#

2.#ParagraphFormat(Replace(Trim(coaMarshWrite2), chr(10), "
", "all"))#
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2. An extra or unexpected gift or benefit

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SELECT * FROM tbl_Questions, tbl_Schools WHERE VolumeID = #volumeID# AND tbl_Questions.SchoolID = tbl_Schools.SchoolID ORDER BY schName
#schName# asks:
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